Alle Bilder sind urheberrechtlich geschützt/All images are copyrighted
Startseite/Startup page: Library of Congress, Washington
Bücher/Books: Rix/
Damals und heute/Then and Now:
01+02 American Forces Information Service
03 Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library (3x)
04 Jupiterimages Corporation und/and PJ Ortmann
05 American Forces Information Service,
06 American Forces Information Service
und/and courtesy Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
und/and (schwarzweiß Bild/black and white picture) Dave Paulson
08 American Forces Information Service und/and PJ Ortmann
09 ML Ortmann
10 PJ Ortmann und/and RIAS
11 ML Ortmann
12 PJ Ortmann
13 PJ Ortmann, Öffentliche Bildtafeln der Stadt Berlin
(Straßenbildfreiheit)/Freedom of panorama und/and PJ Ortmann
14 PJ Ortmann und/and Dave Paulson
15 PJ Ortmann und/and (kleine Bilder/small pictures) U.S. Department of State
16-18 American Forces Information Service und/and PJ Ortmann
19 PJ Ortmann und/and American Forces Information Service
20 PJ Ortmann und/and ML Ortman
21 U.S. Department of State und/and PJ Ortmann
22 American Forces Information Service
23 ML Ortman und/and PJ Ortmann
24 PJ Ortmann und/and U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Die Berliner Mauer/The Berlin Wall:
01-07 U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
08 Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact,, by permission
of the Center
for Security Studies at ETH Zurich
and the National Security Archive at the
George Washington University on behalf of the PHP network
09-15 U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
16 Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact,, by permission
of the Center
for Security Studies at ETH Zurich
and the National Security Archive at the
George Washington University on behalf of the PHP network
17 ML Ortmann
18 U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
19 U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
und/and (kleines Bild/small picture) AdsD, Bonn
20+21 U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
22 AdsD, Bonn
23 AdsD, Bonn und/and (kleines Bild/small picture) U.S. Air Force Einheit 6913th RSM
24 RIAS und/and (kleines Bild/small picture) David Wintzer
25 American Forces Information Service
26 Courtesy Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
27 Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library (2x)
und/and National Archives, Washington (750 Jahre/Years)
28-30 American Forces Information Service
01 Library of Congress, Washington
02 Library of Congress, Washington und/and Public Domain (kleine Bilder/small pictures)
03 Library of Congress, Washington
04 Library of Congress, Washington und Public Domain (kleines Bild/small picture)
05 Library of Congress, Washington und PJ Ortmann (2006 Bild) und
Public Domain (kleines Bild rechts/small picture right)
06+07 Library of Congress, Washington
08-10 Public Domain
11 Public Domain und (kleines Bild/small picture) Library of Congress, Washington
12 Library of Congress, Washington und Public Domain (kleines Bild/small picture)
13 Public Domain
14 Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1998-010+21 / CC-BY-SA
15 Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-13681 / CC-BY-SA
16 Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-00089 / CC-BY-SA
17 Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-R67508 / CC-BY-SA
18 Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-J31345 / CC-BY-SA
19 PD British Government, expired Crown Copyright (Reichstag u. Farbfoto)
und Russian State Archive/Russian PD (Pariser Platz)
20 U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
21 Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-Z1218-317 / CC-BY-SA
22 Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-M1015-316 / Donath, Otto / CC-BY-SA
23 Harry S. Truman Library, U.S. Government Photo
und National Archives, Washington
24 U.S. National Archives and Records Administration